• Great Runners, Great Friends

    Weekly Time Trials on Tuesdays
    Summer (Sep – Apr) 17:30
    Winter (May – Aug) 17:15
    JOIN US!
    Start from the braai area in the recreation site

Bright greetings to you team members,

It looks like this year is running too fast and to a large extent to our comrades participants as well as me. I hope your preparations are booming and faring well. We are having an ACE (Eersterust)race this coming Saturday on the 08/02/2025 and I hope you are cheerful and psyched up for it . Good luck to all our runners. We are left with a week leading up to our Valentine’s Day social function on the 11/02/2025. Let’s make it exciting, and I am anticipating fantastic outfits that you have fixed.
It’s our time trials today, and let’s sustain the drive and encourage one another. I can see that this year, we have pushed ourselves zealously, and without fail, we will achieve more goals, including our health and bodies. I believe that to keep our bodies in good health is our duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Let’s drink a lot of water and eat well to fuel our bodies.
Have a great week, and we’ll catch up later.
Gabonewe Setshedi 
Communications and Newsletter

The 2025 CSIR Road Race will take place on Saturday, October 18, 2025 from 06h00

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